Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weekend at Portland Island

Less than two weeks after Poet's Cove we were off again, this time to Portland Island. Dee was stuck at work so our 0900 departure was pushed to 1500. By this time the wind was up to +20 knots and the current had turned against us... And against the wind. Damn we got hammered. At one point, while Dee was sitting in the cockpit and I was on the helm, she looked above my shoulder and saw our dinghy 40' back and surfing down a wave. She just closed her eyes and hung on. With wind vs current the waves get steep and close together. Kiskadee was hobby-horsing for about three hours until we'd turned the corner and started north towards Sidney Channel. With a salt encrusted boat, we called it quits about an hour before dark and grabbed a mooring ball at the Sidney Spit Marine Park.
We motored north and arrived at Royal Cove about 0900 on Saturday morning and rafted up with Dick and Francine's Bayliner 32.
The entire Portland Island is the Princess Margaret Marine Park. We hiked across the island and back, then went exploring in the dinghy.