Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Winter sailing

November and December were good sailing months, until a week or so before Christmas when the weather changed. Kiskadee enjoyed some winter club racing, even pulling of one win in our Division. Here we're alongside Kiskadee's sister Hughes 38, Canada Goose with a reef in her main. It's great fun to race side by side against the same hull.

Our last sail of the year was as Race Committee with Paul Ulibarri aboard to run the race. We learned a lot from one of the world's best.

By Christmas we were well blanketed with snow and I'd had to shovel Kiskadee off a couple times. These pictures were taken after each of the first two small snow storms.

Two days after taking the last pic it dumped almost another foot of snow onto Kiskadee. WIth rain in the forecast I quickly shoveled it all off, hauled the dinghy aboard and stowed it upside down on the foredeck. It was full of melted snow water, but did not freeze due to the +9C harbour temperature.

We still haven't had our New Years sail, but soon I hope...