Sunday, August 16, 2009

Haul out in April 09

I'm still tardy with my posts, but this one takes us through spring. We hauled Kiskadee on April 28th for a bottom job and new engine cooling intake. While out I decided to repaint her boot stripes. I'd liked to have painted her topsides, but I still don't have the guts nor experience.

Here she is on May 7th, all shiney and ready for launch on the 12th. That blue paint spill under her bow is about $30 worth of Micron CSC.

The engine cooling intake has been upgraded from 1/2" to 7/8", with a scoop strainer aimed forward to catch more water. Yes, it can aim aft on a sailboat but I wanted to ease the load on the Atomic 4's water pump. (Note:) After four months and over 400 miles it's cooling better than ever and hasn't sucked in any crap.)